Friday, June 29, 2007

Gushy Feelings - Yuck!! By Katie

This is so totally lame, I feel lame for even saying it. How can you miss someone you’ve only known a month? How can you miss someone you have only seen on 3 separate occasions ever? But I miss him, even just emailing with him. We were emailing earlier this week and we made plans to go out tomorrow night and we’ve been maintaining radio silence since we finalized the plans. Every ounce of my being is full of the energy of waiting to be with him again. I want to feel the way I felt just sitting next to him, not talking not touching. I know it’s too soon and I can’t email him to say I’m thinking of him or I miss him, but I keep hoping when I check my email that he would have thought to say it. What’s weird is that I still feel nervous about seeing him so I am simultaneously looking forward to it and not looking forward to it. Also, how am I supposed to be acting cool and aloof when it’s the exact opposite of how I feel? Won’t my feelings be evident and written all over my face? I feel like I will betray myself by expressing what my heart feels instead of what my head knows. Totally lame, I can’t believe I’m being so silly.

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